Worksheet Instruction: Answer the following questions; discuss in two sentences each. A worksheet for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Ideology as Instrumental Rationality and the Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno essay "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" 1. Why is the culture industry an industry? (p. 42) The culture industry is an industry because it works as an amalgam of the different dominating aspects of culture and entertainment in the public sphere with the masses mainly targeted as its consumers. It
Tag: capitalism
(Reflection Paper) A photograph representing Guy Debord’s ‘integrated spectacle’ during the pandemic
Reflection Topic: Post a photograph that represents an integrated spectacle during the pandemic and provide a short explanation. A reflection paper for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Images and Guy Debord's essay "The Commodity as Spectacle" Ligo Sardines produced a simple yet playfully striking ad displaying the owners’ political stand on the country’s state of affairs at the time the president asked for special powers to address the pandemic. Regardless of whether their political statement is genuine or plain marketing
(Reflection Paper) Top 3 trending topics in Twitter Philippines analyzed through the lens of Horkheimer, Adorno, and Benjamin
Reflection Topic: Go to Twitter and look up the top 3 trending topics in the Philippines. Briefly analyze them through the lens of Horkheimer, Adorno, and Benjamin. A reflection paper for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Ideology as Instrumental Rationality through the Walter Benjamin essay "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" and the Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer essay "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" I found the following as the top three trending Twitter
Finding Social Responsibility and Public Good in Political Economy: A Reflection Paper on the Definition of Political Economy
A reflection on: The definition of political economy based on Vincent Mosco’s book “Political Economy of Communication” A reflection paper for my Political Economy of Media class, submitted Aug. 18, 2019 This reflection paper presents the definition of political economy based on Vincent Mosco’s book “Political Economy of Communication.” According to Mosco, political economy is “the study of the social relations, especially the power relations, that mutually constitute the production, distribution, and consumption of resources.” The way I understand this definition, political economy
The Impact of the Critical Development of the Internet in the Current State of Philippine and Global Media
Midterm paper for my Political Economy of Media class The Philippine media and global media in the Information Age are clearly evolving towards the critical development of the Internet, forcing existing media systems to integrate with the world wide web. Cyberspace has gone a long way since its milestones in the 1990s when a household that could afford Internet service back then primarily used the email platform and chat messaging services as alternative forms of communication, alongside the utilization of search