A film shoot requires the use of a camera to record the film's basic components known as shots, scenes, and sequences. Shots, Scenes, and Sequences A shot is the building block of film. This pertains to the actual footage acquired when the camera starts and ends one particular recording. During editing, these shots are arranged in a logical and/or creative progression for the purpose of storytelling. A scene is composed of a series of continuous shots related to one another's basic action or
Tag: cameras
Film Speed: Understanding the technical side of filmmaking
Knowing the basics of film photography is a step towards understanding how the technical side of filmmaking works. In fact, even those preferring to go digital all the way can benefit much with the knowledge of film photography. Whether using 35mm, 16mm, or 8mm film cameras or high-definition (HD) cameras, the very concept of producing moving images is actually the same. Even the use of film speed, which originated from film photography and cinematography, is also used in digital cameras as part
How digital filmmaking differs from shooting with celluloid
Digital filmmaking offers a variety of options for accessible and practical workflows. You don't need to buy expensive rolls of film that would typically cost hundreds of dollars. You don't need to go to a film laboratory to produce the footage from the exposed negatives. The digital format allows you to shoot the scene, then edit it using any amateur or professional video-editing program. Yet, film stock is still widely used in many professional productions. This clearly shows how valuable this
Filmmaking Guide: Tips to improve video quality in low-light conditions
The main problem you'll encounter when shooting a video in low light is the underexposure it causes your recorded footage. When your shooting location lacks light , you don't always have the capacity to bring professional or even amateur lighting equipment to help you out. However, it is still possible to find ways to improve the quality of videos shot in low-light conditions. Although they won't necessarily provide you with the same image quality as shooting with ample light, they
How to use the JVC GR-SV3 camcorder
In the early 90's came the first prototypes of LCD screens for video cameras. One of JVC's pioneer offers, the JVC GR-SV3 Infocam Camcorder, was released during that time. Back those days of the Viewcam bandwagon, the market for cameras like the JVC GR-SV3 was quite comparable to the inkling for the latest consumer HD cameras of the 2000's. But this doesn't mean that the "in" gizmo then which is the "outdated" gadget now is of no good use anymore. So, for those curious