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Learning the truth about drowning and saving lives

About 2 years ago, during an out-of-town shoot, one of our team members almost drowned a few feet away from our swimming colleagues — having fun and all. Her angel was one of our colleagues who just went out of his room to check on the pool — an act he felt doing when he didn’t really intend to swim in the pool then. No one else realized what was happening until she was rescued. It was almost a horror story turned into a happy ending.

Please read this, you may be able to save lives:

Rianne Hill Soriano
Rianne is a director, writer, educator, and consultant in film and commercial productions. From mainstream essentials to independent flair, she knows the drill in making entertaining and well-meaning productions. She can lead a pack passionate about extreme action and technological edge; she can breathe an endearing and sentimental style for a team with a sweet disposition.

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