I’ve been with my web hosting company for over 2 years and I’ve never been happier.
Since I started blogging using my own domain name (riannehillsoriano.com) in 2006, I miserably failed in choosing a reliable hosting company. I suffered endless lost blog posts, rebuilding web pages and blog over and over, hacking attempts, out-of-control spam comments, suspended pages for reasons I have no idea of, and not receiving any reasonable customer service help for any of my concerns. Add up the fact that all I know in this cyber domain is my self-learned knowledge in basic HTML. Indeed, you get what you pay for. For just over 20 USD a year type of service, all I got were wasted time and effort. I often surrendered and for months and years, i would stop maintaining my site and blog. Every year or after a few years, I would try another hosting company that would make my site and blog such a serious pain to maintain. All these continued until I finally found a reliable web hosting company with a practical deal 4 times more expensive than my prior accounts. It was the best investment I did for my site and blog. From then on, I have felt protected. I have gained peace of mind. They assisted me in dealing with spams and hacking. I was able to rebuild my site and blog from the ground up without any help.
Yesterday, this web hosting company provided me a sign of gratitude, giving me a chance to get a brand new domain name of my choice for free for life, as long as I keep an account with them, which I really plan to do anyway. I couldn’t use an old, already registered domain name so I had to choose a new one. I chose the name of my kid: www. phoenixrana.com.
Being an unplanned thing, I don’t have time to work on a web page yet, so I’m redirecting it to her Youtube channel in the mean time. In the far future, she is already secured to have her own domain name and she can definitely overhaul her own site for her own portfolio, blog, shop, business, initiative, advocacy, or for any other significant endeavor.
Thank you, Mochahost!