Reflection Topic: Go to Twitter and look up the top 3 trending topics in the Philippines. Briefly analyze them through the lens of Horkheimer, Adorno, and Benjamin. A reflection paper for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Ideology as Instrumental Rationality through the Walter Benjamin essay "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" and the Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer essay "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" I found the following as the top three trending Twitter
Social Media
FILMARTworks Blog Videos Released!
The Impact of the Critical Development of the Internet in the Current State of Philippine and Global Media
Midterm paper for my Political Economy of Media class The Philippine media and global media in the Information Age are clearly evolving towards the critical development of the Internet, forcing existing media systems to integrate with the world wide web. Cyberspace has gone a long way since its milestones in the 1990s when a household that could afford Internet service back then primarily used the email platform and chat messaging services as alternative forms of communication, alongside the utilization of search
The Case of Computer Scientist Katie Bouman: The social media that glorifies and bullies
The name Katie Bouman, alongside the photo of this young, charming computer scientist, went trending for a couple of days as people celebrated the first-ever image of a black hole through her efforts, alongside a team of brilliant scientists and engineers. She led the development of an algorithm for creating the image of a black holes, known as the Continuous High-resolution Image Reconstruction using Patch priors (CHIRP). After the hype of her feat, it didn't take long when others started bullying her,