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(Reflection Paper) On Jia Tolentino’s ‘What could we do to put an end to the worst of the Internet?’

Reflection Topic: Have your say: "What could we do to put an end to the worst of the internet?" -- Jia Tolentino A reflection paper for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Technology and Culture/Medium Theory and the Jia Tolentino essay “The ‘I’ in the Internet” The worst of the Internet is the by-product of its social and economic evolution in the hands of the capitalists in control of it. It led to platforms governed by advertising and business opportunities, propaganda,

(Reflection Paper) How Herman and Chomsky’s ‘Propaganda Model’ positions the Internet in the time of pandemic

Reflection Topic: How does the “Propaganda Model” position the Internet in relation to social and political change in the time of pandemic? A reflection paper for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Political Economy of Media and the Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky essay "A Propaganda Model" Given the changing nature of capitalism in this age of information and communications technology, the propaganda model has forced existing media systems to integrate with the world wide web and this has clearly fast-tracked

(Reflection Paper) A short analysis of the 2020 RC Cola ad in the simulacra of Jean Baudrillard

Reflection Topic: Identify and analyze a simulacrum you have encountered over the Internet lately. What are the social and political possibilities of that simulacra? A reflection paper for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Postmodernity/Posthumanism and the Jean Baudrillard essay "The Precession of Simulacra" The latest RC Cola ad recently went viral. Now, people are bending themselves trying to understand it. It is clear that as an ad meant to be talked about through content that visually presents signs and significations

(Reflection Paper) A photograph representing Guy Debord’s ‘integrated spectacle’ during the pandemic

Reflection Topic: Post a photograph that represents an integrated spectacle during the pandemic and provide a short explanation. A reflection paper for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Images and Guy Debord's essay "The Commodity as Spectacle" Ligo Sardines produced a simple yet playfully striking ad displaying the owners’ political stand on the country’s state of affairs at the time the president asked for special powers to address the pandemic. Regardless of whether their political statement is genuine or plain marketing

(Reflection Paper) Top 3 trending topics in Twitter Philippines analyzed through the lens of Horkheimer, Adorno, and Benjamin

Reflection Topic: Go to Twitter and look up the top 3 trending topics in the Philippines. Briefly analyze them through the lens of Horkheimer, Adorno, and Benjamin. A reflection paper for my Media Theory class for the lecture on Ideology as Instrumental Rationality through the Walter Benjamin essay "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" and the Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer essay "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" I found the following as the top three trending Twitter

(Reflection Paper) Story + Vision → Storytelling

Reflection Paper on "Gasman" and "The Rats" from "Wild Tales" for My Advanced Directing Class In a film, every story and vision should lead to a suitable storytelling. A material given to a filmmaker evolves based on the specific vision developed alongside it, which means a single material distributed for production to different directors and production teams would always end up as different films. This magic in the collaborative process of filmmaking allows the exploration of various themes, styles, and depictions,
